Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh other blog...I've been neglecting you

So I am attempting to pose every day in the month of February on my other blog.

Which of course means I'm not posting here.

Two blogs!  That's a lot people!  Especially when you consider I get maybe a half an hour of computer time a day.

But I do love this blog, so here I am, however briefly.

I recently watched the fabulous Lifetime movie (is there any other kind?) The Pregnancy Pact.

So great.  Based on a true story, of course.  Here it goes (non spoilers ahead):  Girls in a small town all try to get pregnant.  Which is pretty easy since they're all having unprotected sex because all the boys are too embarassed to buy condoms.  But then once they're pregnant they realize it was probably a mistake.  Because having a baby?  Not so easy.

Shocking, I know.  The twists!  The turns!  The stupid, stupid characters.

Still, it was fun to watch..  There's just something about Lifetime.  It's like TV crack.

I promise to post more.  I just got Lauren Conrad's book, which I can't wait to read.  Perhaps next month I'll try to post here every day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A blog I’m mildly obsessed with

So I’ve been enjoying Delilah Paints.
It’s a fun blog about a mom of two who’s an artist and is both clever and snarky (oh snarkiness…you are my most favorite-est of all personality traits).

Go, read, enjoy.

The odd side note about this blog is that I sort of know this woman in real life. She runs a baby wearing group and is the person who got me totally hooked on the whole concept. Plus I’ve since seen her a handful of times since we met.

It always feels a little weird to be reading someone’s blog when you only sort of know them. Usually they’re either complete strangers or actual friends. So reading her blog and feeling like I know her and then running into her and remembering we’re actually virtual strangers always makes me feel a little stalkerish.

Plus I think she’s super cool, so I really want to befriend her, but haven’t managed to. I have concocted potential “be my friend” emails and pretexts, but then they seem too lame, even for me, so I give up. Also I worry that she would find me too dull in real life. Even my imaginary friendships are rife with problems, sadly.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More with Meg Cabot? Seriously? Do you owe her money?

I know. I’ve blogged about her before. Repeatedly.
But seriously. I love Meg Cabot.

She’s just so good. And her series are so fun. Plus I just love series. Cause you like them, and then there’s more of them. Ingenious.

The Kindle and I just finished reading her 1-800-Where-R-You series. Well, we read four out of five. Because for some reason the middle one is not available for the Kindle. Grrr…

And they were so good. I just love her writing and her characters. Always fun and fiesty, with just enough added romance. They're about a girl who gets hit by lightning and can then find people who are missing.  And she has various adventures.  And a cute boy.  A nice addition to her stable of good books.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who doesn’t love smutty vampires?

So in my search for post Twlight books (and the rereading brought on by watching New Moon and having ensuing age-inappropriate Jacob lust) I was looking for another enjoyable vampire series.

I did not find anything quite as engrossing as Twilight, but did find the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost.

These books are about a half vampire/half human named Cat. She hunts vampires and has various special powers. She meets up with a vampire named Bones and although she’s sworn to hate all vampires she ends up falling for him (I know…shocking). The books (there are four with a fifth coming out this year) follow them as they fight people and have kinky vampire sex. Always a good time.

Still, they’re a good read. I’ve been enjoying reading things far removed from reality at the moment as a break from being a constant baby mama and vampires/ghouls/whatnot fits the bill.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Snuggie? Not so much.

So I got two Snuggie’s for Christmas. I am sure this says something about me that multiple people who know me would think “She seems like a girl who would enjoy a blanket with sleeves.” Which, of course, I am.

I got both a normal Snuggie and then a Snuggie knock-off from Etsy. (Although isn’t the Snuggie itself a Slanket knock off? It’s a slippery slope of blankets-with-sleeves).

The results? Go for the slightly more expensive Etsy Snuggie (or Snugglie, rather). It’s thicker and warmer and much better made. The actual Snuggie started to rip the second day I had it and is super thin.

Still, I have discovered that I do, in fact, enjoy a blanket with arms. Perfect for couching.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello, Kindle

I got a Kindle for Christmas. And I am in love.
I had my doubts, at first.

Oh no, I said, snootily. I love books. The feel of them, their smell, their pages. I don't even like reading things on the computer. I would never like a Kindle.

And it's true. I don't like the Kindle. I love it.

It's so light and easy to hold.

I forget I'm even looking at a screen.

When I lay with the baby and he's napping? No wrestling with heavy books and page turning. Just the gentle clicking of the "next page" button.

And when I want a book? It’s there in a few seconds. No more waiting for it to arrive – and I like immediate gratification.

Are Kindles going to be the downfall of books and reading? I hope not…but if so I may be going down with them.