Monday, December 21, 2009

Two movies that sucked much less than I thought they would

I realize this post begs the question – why are you watching movies you think are going to suck?

To quote Lorelai Gilmore, I like movies “good, bad, and indifferent.” As long as it’s not too serious, long, scary, or bloody I am up for watching it.

And I had two pleasant surprises lately, which just goes to show…something. That low standards can sometimes pay off, perhaps.

First was My Life in Ruins.

This has the woman from My Big Fat Greek Wedding as an American working as a tour guide in Greece. She’s unhappy, she doesn’t like her job, etc. We watch one tour and she finds the meaning of life…falls in love…etc.

I think I remember reading that this was cheesy, which it totally is, but it has some funny parts and nice scenery.

Last night I watched I Love You, Beth Cooper which I think was supposed to be horrible.

I actually thought it was pretty funny and entertaining.

Typical coming of age movie with craziness and teenage hormones, which I always enjoy.

So…don’t judge a book by it’s cover or a movie by its reviews. That’s today’s moral.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yay! Random British TV

I love the Brits and their television, despite the somewhat cringey-ness. I randomly got the first season of Gavin and Stacey from Netflix and heartily enjoyed it.

It’s the story of two people who have been talking on the phone through work and decide to meet and fall madly in love and immediately get engaged, you know…as you do.

The two writers are also in the series as their friends and are very funny.

It has the added benefit as being a nice glimpse into a different culture. Lots of British slang and jokes about people from Wales that I didn’t get at all.

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Christmas movie I hadn’t seen? Shocking.

But true – the other night I watched Holiday Affair with Janet Leigh and Robert Mitchum.

I love 40’s movies pretty much across the board. They’re so fun and cozy I just want to crawl into my TV and live there. Plus I love the clothes. And this one was no exception.

Not overly Christmas-y, except that it takes place during the holidays, but a cute little love story.

So go and watch it. They’re playing it on TCM so check your Tivo.

Friday, November 27, 2009

'Tis the Season (sort of)

It’s officially the Christmas season (although my decorations have been up for a couple of weeks now – don’t judge me!)

So in that vein, I present:

Leisure Girl’s 5 Favorite Christmas Movies of All Time (and I watch them all)

1. White Christmas

My number one classic. I watch this one every year, along with Holiday Inn, which is remarkably similar. I love it, except for some of the extended dance numbers that I fast forward through. But the songs! “Snow” and “White Christmas”! And Bing! It’s a winner

2. Elf

I think this is the very best newer holiday movie. Just odd enough to be fun. My husband and I spend an oddly large amount of time repeating “Santa! I know him!” to each other.

3. Christmas in Connecticut

Another classic, although not nearly well known enough. Star crossed lovers, secrets, possible kidnappings, a cow, this movie has it all.

4. Charlie Brown Christmas

I have blogged before on the oddness of the Charlie Brown universe, and this one is no exception. But I love it when they all dance, and the magical tiny Christmas tree. And Linus, of course.

5. The Santa Clause

The top four are the ones I love, and I waffled over the fifth. It could also have been Miracle on 34th Street or Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation. But The Santa Clause is a fun concept and I love watching him turn into Santa for some reason.

So there they are - I can't wait to go another round with them before the holiday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm hooked on e - well, actually on E!

I somehow had managed to go almost 30 years without watching E! (the entertainment television channel).  And then I had a baby.  And I had a LOT of time laying around, napping, nursing, etc.  And it was winter.  And my husband was working.  And I don't get Tivo up in my bedroom.

And somehow all of these factors led to me watching every season of The Girls Next Door on DVD. 

I figured my son was already seeing a lot of boob action, so a few (hundred) more couldn't hurt.

It's not that the show is good, exactly, it's just that it's fascinating.  Like a nature documentary - except instead of chimps it's very young girls who cannot keep their clothes on and a very very old man who should really know better.

I was hooked, and am in fact watching the current season now, which is much worse and the new girls are a lot less interesting.  Although grown twins who still dress alike and sleep in the same bed is odd enough to be intriguing.

And, sadly, The Girls Next Door was just a gateway show.

I watched the whole season of Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami and just got my first disc of Keeping Up With the Kardashians in the mail.  It's a slippery slope strewn with dumb topless girls.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dipping my toe into romantic comedies

Leisure Girl almost always enjoys a romantic comedy, and The Proposal was certainly a good time. Cute cast - Sandra Bullock is always fun and I love me some Ryan Reynolds (cause he's tall, and funny, although I worry about the fact that he's married to Scarlett Johanson, who I makes me think he and I wouldn't really get along...then I try to relax and just enjoy the movie...)

Plus it had Betty White! And Alaska! And Canadian humor! It was fun.

Less fun? Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.

I thought I was going to LOVE this one. I am a huge Jennifer Garner fan and who doesn't love Matthew McConaughey?

Me, apparently.
I know he always plays the cool playboy with the heart of gold, but I kinds think I'm over it. Mainly he seems sleazy. And a little greasy. And not so cute. I ended up feeling like she could do better.

Perhaps it's over for me and Matthew? Only time will tell.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon makes me want to be 15 again

And I am back. Yes, for reals, people. This is me re-committing to this blog. Also me emerging from a baby soaked haze. But he’s old enough that he can enjoy a little leisure of his own (don’t judge me…it’s only the occasional Baby Einstein) which allows me to be able to actually sit and blog.

And what better movie to start with than New Moon.

I was a little too excited to see this. It felt a tad unseemly. But they sucked me in with their hype and endless ads and cute cute boys.

And we all know that I love her books. And anything geared towards teenage girls.

Anyway, I took my over excitement and a purse stuffed with candy to the movie yesterday and it totally lived up to my expectations. I know it’s getting bad reviews, but I am not entirely sure why. It’s true to the book and fun viewing.

It is a little slow? Yes, but so was the book. Is it a little cheesy? Seriously, people, what were you expecting?

All in all, I say it was delightful. And despite that fact that the actor who played him is just baby faced enough to make me feel a little dirty, I love me some Jacob. Not for me the pale and tortured Edward, I say bring on the hot built werewolf.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm still here, but does anyone care?

I've been away for ages!


Had a baby, which results in WAY less leisure time.

But I still manage to read and watch trashy television. So I could still post...if anyone is still interested in my musings...