Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A blog I’m mildly obsessed with

So I’ve been enjoying Delilah Paints.
It’s a fun blog about a mom of two who’s an artist and is both clever and snarky (oh snarkiness…you are my most favorite-est of all personality traits).

Go, read, enjoy.

The odd side note about this blog is that I sort of know this woman in real life. She runs a baby wearing group and is the person who got me totally hooked on the whole concept. Plus I’ve since seen her a handful of times since we met.

It always feels a little weird to be reading someone’s blog when you only sort of know them. Usually they’re either complete strangers or actual friends. So reading her blog and feeling like I know her and then running into her and remembering we’re actually virtual strangers always makes me feel a little stalkerish.

Plus I think she’s super cool, so I really want to befriend her, but haven’t managed to. I have concocted potential “be my friend” emails and pretexts, but then they seem too lame, even for me, so I give up. Also I worry that she would find me too dull in real life. Even my imaginary friendships are rife with problems, sadly.


Anonymous said...

So you have finally come out of the closet on how much you LARF her. :-)