Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh TV, I missed you

Ever so slowly, the new TV season is returning. Lovely.

My current excitement does, of course, center around new episodes of Gossip Girl. If loving that show is wrong, I most certainly don't want to be right. Great clothes, and unbelievably involved teen drama (considering they're supposed to be half my age, they really manage to have a large spectrum of issues.)

I am also watching Bones this season. I have watched it after the fact on DVD in the past but decided to watch this season despite not having seen any of the last one. I'm guessing I'll be able to catch up.

Two new shows that I have Tivo-ed but not watched - Privileged and 90210. I will be passing judgement soon.

And I am looking forward to more returning favorites in the upcoming weeks. Good times.