Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm still cool, despite playing video games

I got home yesterday to discover that my copy of Spore had arrived in the mail. Very exciting.

Spore is the new game by the creator of all of the Sims line and I have been looking forward to playing it for ages.

In the game, you start as a single cell organism and slowly evolve until you are able to take over other planets through interstellar travel.

I have to admit that I am currently playing in on the very easiest setting, because I do so hate to be virtually thwarted. I am enjoying conquering other species very much.

If you are an even sort of video game player, definitely recommended.


LeahKS said...

I totally Sims. All the time. My husband got Spore and I'm waiting for him to rate it before I pick it up. I have done some gaming in my time and, I must say, I just feel like a more well-rounded geek in the end. :)