Saturday, August 9, 2008

When teen movies go bad

I think we can all agree that it's not really reasonable to rent the movie Step Up 2: The Streets and then be surprised when it's not very good. Especially since I had already seen the first movie, which was also not much of a winner, and the likelihood that this one would be better, or even as good, was pretty slim.

But teen movies have an oddly catnip like quality for me, so watch it I did.

And, it didn't disappoint, as long as your expectations were very, very, very low.

On the plus side, the dancing was very cool, and that was a good 60% of the movie.

The characters were poorly written and badly acted and neither charismatic or interesting. The plot, such as it was, was dull and predictable.

I will admit, however, that I ended up fast forwarding quite a bit as the film wore on, so it's possible that I missed several bon mots and plot twists. I doubt it, though.

Still, if you want to see lots of people spin around on their heads, look no further.