Sunday, June 15, 2008

Does reading People make me dumber?

Leisure Girl admits, she is more than a People magazine reader. She is a subscriber. And People does not come cheap. I am currently spending almost $120 a year to be caught up on celebrity gossip. But I just can't help myself.

I have tried not to subscribe, I really have. But I just end up buying it every week anyway because there is something on it that catches my eye (Britney's insane! Someone's addicted to drugs! Exclusive wedding photos). So really, by subscribing I'm saving money, right?

Every Friday I am so happy to get the mail and see People. I curl up on the couch and find out what's happening in the world. Or at least in Hollywood. Okay, I might have been totally clueless about the whole tomato/salmonella thing until I saw a sign at a restaurant, but I know who's breaking up.

Although some part of me suspects it might be wrong, I have an insatiable curiosity about famous people. You know how some people look at tabloids and say "Who cares? Who even wants to know that stuff?" The answer is - I do. People magazine is yummy and escapist and nothing but fun. I heartily recommend it.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.