Monday, June 16, 2008

The Happiest Place on Earth

Disneyland? No. Guess again.

Sephora? Well, possibly, if you have a really big gift certificate.

Bed? I can't argue with that.

But I digress. I am referring to one of my very very favorite places.
The library.

What a marvelous place the library is. Want to read this book? Sure! Take it! No charge at all, we know you'll bring it back. Such an amazing concept.

Sure there are still many (many) books that I buy. Because the library doesn't have them or I want to own them or I must read them now, now, now. But thanks to the library my Amazon bills are only equal to the GNP of a very small country and not, let's say, all of Europe.

I just feel so peaceful in a library. It's nice to be reminded that there are lots and lots of interesting books out there. And despite my irrational fear that causes me to stockpile books like the end of the world is coming, it is very unlikely that I will ever run out and have

Nothing To Read
(my personal phobia).

So let's lift our glasses and say

"To the library!"