Thursday, June 12, 2008

Canadian TV? Less milquetoast than you think.

Leisure Girl has already blogged about the wonder that is Korean television. Another fantastic import? Canadian teen dramas.

My personal favorite is Instant Star. It follows a girl who wins an American Idol-esque contest as she writes songs, flirts with boys, makes poor life choices. Hear her and fellow Canadians pronounce "about" as "aboot" and "sorry" as "surry".

The better known Canadian show is Degrassi, which has been on for eight or so seasons. If this show is to be believed, Canadian high school are awash is teen pregnancy, eating disorders, and various other issues of the week.

Still, the shows are fun. Fluffy and generally nice, which is my opinion of that country as a whole.

Are you salivating to watch some rowdy Canadians now? They are shown on The N, a network for teens. Go with my blessing and enjoy.