Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gorging on Lifetime movies

I have been Tivo-ing Lifetime movies non stop lately.

Yesterday I watched two of them.

First up was The Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal. Texas? Cheerleaders? Scandal? What's not to like?

Basically these girls were bad to the bone cheerleaders (drinking! sex! being rude!) who met their match in their couch and Lifetime movie heroine. They did not, however, get the comeuppance smack down I was hoping for.

I also watched Poison Ivy: The Secret Society. This one had an innocent girl (from Iowa, of course) who was lured into a secret society. These girls were slutty and murder-y, as I assume all secret society members are. In the end our heroine prevailed, sort of.

What have I learned from all these films? I was right not to ever be much of a joiner. It only ends in tears.


LeahKS said...

Yay, Texas! I wasn't a cheerleader, but I was descended from some.