Sunday, August 31, 2008

An actual good movie

After my recent flops, I was very pleased to rent a movie I actually really liked. What a novelty!

Last night I watched Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. Visually, a lot of fun, as movies set in that era are wont to be. Great cast - especially the adorable Lee Pace from "Pushing Daisies." The movie had a fun plot and moved along nicely, although the end was a little slapped together.
Still, totally recommended and such a vast, vast improvement over what I have been watching. I can only hope my streak continues.


LeahKS said...

Just to prove that we were meant to be blogger-buddies... I bought this before I ever saw it. I knew I would like it from the previews and I took the leap to purchase, which I rarely do.

Also, I [heart] Lee Pace.