Sunday, August 17, 2008

Love, love this book

Literacy and Longing in L.A., by Jennifer Kaufman was so good that it took me weeks to read it. It was like having a really expensive box of chocolates. I parceled it out a couple pages at a time because I knew once I really committed to it it would be over and I would be sad to be done with it.

Why was it so great? I have to admit that I love books about readers. When the main character said, towards the beginning of the novel "I collect new books the way my girlfriends buy designer handbags. Sometimes, I just like to know I have them and actually reading them is beside the point. Not that I don't eventually end up reading them one by one. I do. But the mere act of buying them makes me happy - the world is more promising, more fulfilling."

As someone with a whole bookcase devoted to books I've bought but not yet read (with more piled n the floor beside it) I could relate and couldn't help but love the narrator.

Books play such a huge role in my life that I like to read about other people who feel the same way.

I loved this book and was, in fact, sad when I finished.